Monday, September 29, 2008

raindrops keep falling on my head

the smell of wet soil.
fresh wet trees, flowers, and grasses.
seeing raindrops on glass windows.

i just like it when it's raining.

too busy to put on makeup

there were days when everything gets too hectic, when our minds were filled with things, problems came and went and came again and they stayed inside our head. and we became so annoyingly grumpy and cranky and thought everything sucked.
i wish they invented a vacuum cleaner for the busy mind that could suck away problems, pronto!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

it would be so nice

he looks like a unicorn, doesn't he?

one day, i went to a horse stable. i was actually looking for the perfect photo shoot location, and i always like horses. i think they're pretty and very elegant. i want to have one someday... i think it would be nice, it would be so nice.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


have you ever felt giggly?
when there's absolutely nothing to laugh about, nothing to be proud of, nothing really special actually happens, but you feel like the whole body actually giggling. your stomach giggles and the warmth stays.

not delusional, it's just that...

sometimes, everything becomes irrational.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

something for the exuberant mind

can i play with you?
"will i be electrocuted for playing with my underwater friends?"

once upon a time
a fairy tale for those who had lost their hope and those who are still longing.

Ms. Understood
act of random absurdities are caused by a bamboozled creature inside the brain.

each night, you were peeked, dear...

a beginning

welcome to life.
which i sometimes think life = coffee.

like coffee, life is sometimes disappointingly... fake.
it gives you an unbelievable strength at first, makes you feel tremendously happy. but in the end, when the caffeine had lost its effect, all you can feel is hollow.
there is nothing but hope.

but i see life like cafe au lait. coffee, with its bitterness, can be softened with milk. and then it could look pretty with its foam on top. add sugar, then it'll be perfect. hey, it's not really that bad :)

so, this is life.