Saturday, December 19, 2009

the bazaar

I always love to go to a bazaar where they sell lots of good stuff. And today I visited one.. It was very crowded and hot. But it was okay. I saw lots of stuff I wanted, but I decided to save my money. There's this bag I wanted.. but I have to think it through, since the bag was a handbag. It doesn't have a slingrope, so it'll be very hard for me to carry, especially when I ride ojek to the office. hehe.

I know this lady who opens a booth at that bazaar. She has this brilliant idea to take pictures of people who came to the booth.. not just a picture, but pics with famous people. We took pics with the famous Jacob of New Moon. Not because I'm a big fan, but because he's THE it guy now. haha. Just for fun.

Later on, we went to watch Avatar. Goodness gracious.. the effects were amazing. I somehow thought heaven would be millions of times better than that, but hell yeah, the panoramic set was pretty heavenly indeed. It was nice. :)

I coincidentally heard God Only Knows from The Beach Boys on the radio on our way home.


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