Monday, December 14, 2009


Despite the fatigueness I felt yesterday, I was super thrilled! We finally watched the circus! :)
It was a very local one, because it was actually a circusauna. We were sweating like pigs. Very very hot inside the tent. We took the utmost perfect time to watch the show.. NOT.
Sadly, I forgot that it was noon, at midday, which was very hot. And it was in a tent! Meaning, all the heat was trapped inside the tent. Oh well.. silly me.

It didn't lessen the fun though. Ok, before I tell you about how the circus was, I need to remind you that I am a very big fan of circus or freak shows and theme parks and so on, well especially circus. My final project while I was in fashion school was also about circus, a sorrow one but. I've watched all episodes of Carnivale and Cirque Du Soleil's shows in DVD. Saved pictures about circus. Drew several drawings about it, and so on. That's why I was super excited when there's one in town.. err it was actualy a bit out of town.

The show was quite fun. There were elephants, monkeys, kakatuas, and even tigers. The tigers were so pretty, like big cats with pretty colors. And there were acrobats, you know, people doing stunts and dances. All i could think of that time was.. they need better costumes. Please hire someone to design your costumes, dear circus management and owner.. >.<

After the circusauna, we went to a mall that has aircon. We needed aircon! pff. And of all restaurants, we picked Sagoo. A restaurant with an old time batavian decor. It was very nice. I like it a lot. But I think I was a bit lactose intolerant at the time, so when I ordered milk tea, my stomach went crazy. We then went home with me feeling a war happening in my tummy. And uber fatiguness, of course. I should've ordered plain water instead.. Loving the day, still :)


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